Step 3: Technology
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Game based Learning (Game maker)

Game based Learning (Coding Town)
Coding town differs from Minecraft, that in order to get gems to build, students must trade in lemons and lemonade and ice cream and coffee. (From infants to 6th classes)
All classes have been involved in Hour of Code as different times of the year. Some favourite are, the Gringe, Lightbot, Dance party and Kodable with younger classes having Kodable school accounts.

Bee-Bot and We-do 2.0

2 year ago we purchased 8 "We-do" kits and 6 "Beebots" with docking station and wooden board.
Infant classes and 1st class use the Bee-bots and from 2nd up use the

Film making. 5th and 6th classes
6th class have been involves in film making for a number of years. During first covid shut down, 5th class made small funny film on what they did during shutdown, like hoovering the lawn etc. This was then presented online to the parents in an Oscars night. In 6th class the girls made short films about ancient Greece. All films were presentd at their recent graduation.
Future Plans 21-22, linked with engineering/technology and green schools
Future plans are to extend our weather station readings, set up in May, to all students. We aslo plan to ask Evelyn Cusack to presnt a zoom class to 3--rd to 6th girls. ( Evelyn's daughter attended out school and she has done a number of class projects and also in the past we have visited Met Eireann offices.
We aslo plan to add a solar panel on the roof of our school to charge our chromebooks.